On Thursday, 23 May 2024, the US House Committee on Energy and Commerce took an important step towards passing a comprehensive federal privacy law after the Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce passed the revised draft of the American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) and referred it to the full committee. In the same hearing, the Kids Online Safety Act was also forwarded, without amendment, to the full committee.
In a statement responding to the news, Keir Lamont, Director for US Legislation at the Future of Privacy Forum, said: "Today's unanimous House subcommittee vote was an important step towards enacting a long overdue federal data privacy law. The revised draft of the American Privacy Rights Act reflects significant progress in addressing ambiguities, closing loopholes and supporting socially beneficial data practices in the public interest. While there is more work to do, we welcome the ongoing bipartisan effort in Congress to address the unchecked data collection and look forward to engaging with lawmakers in support of a privacy framework that protects individuals while providing clear rules for covered organisations."

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