Recent analysis conducted by Imperva has revealed that UK organisations have lost billions in data breaches between 2019 and 2022. The study, which looked at 99,490 breaches reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and other notable breaches identified by the Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec) in its annual report, found that over 200 million British citizens had their personal information compromised during the period.
Looking closer at the data, malicious attacks accounted for just 33% of breaches reported to the ICO, while insider attacks were the cause of 40% of incidents. Human error was responsible for nearly two-fifths (37%) of all breaches studied in the report. The cost to impacted organisations was £13.5 billion, with regulatory fines accounting for just 6% of this cost. Imperva field CTO, Terry Ray, commented that organisations need to prioritise genuine data security over measures that demonstrate compliance on paper.

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