During a recent IAPP LinkedIn Live session on 15 April, US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Senior Counsel Shannon Smith, who worked on the initial American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) draft, spoke about how Congress will shortly begin its formal legislative work on the bill. The House is looking into its consideration and fact-finding, with the Senate not far behind. IAPP News Editor Joe Duball has the details.
In related news, the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPRA) wrote a letter to the US House Committee on Energy and Commerce's Innovation, Data and Commerce Subcommittee warning that the proposed APRA would weaken privacy protections for Californians.
Then, on Wednesday, an article from the IAPP provides a summary of the US House Committee on Energy and Commerce's Innovation, Data and Commerce Subcommittee's first APRA hearing. Joe Jones attended the hearing and remarked that a majority of US lawmakers spoke positively about the APRA's prospects, stating that it is clear the House has a strong desire to pass a comprehensive privacy bill.

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