Baroness Kidron OBE, a member of the House of Lords and chair of the online child protection NGO the 5Rights Foundation, has given an interview with EURACTIV warning against an over-reliance on technology in the battle to ensure child safety online. Speaking ahead of the release of the European Commission's proposal on how to fight child sexual abuse material, Kidron says, "there is no yes or no answer. We're in this argument about one piece of technology, but we've taken our eyes off the problem and we need a more nuanced approach." Instead, the EU should look to implement solutions that include KPIs and proof points to ensure children are not at risk, like the UK's Age Appropriate Design Code. In related news, an article in the Independent highlights new research revealing Facebook is still harvesting children's data and targeting teenagers with advertising despite pledging to end the practice. Meanwhile, Politico reports a majority of Europeans are concerned about children's online safety and are prepared to give up online privacy to fight against abuse.

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