Civil liberties and privacy campaign group Big Brother Watch (BBW) has released a guide advising what citizens should do when encountering live facial recognition at protests.
The guide explains that if you are planning to attend a protest, it is important to be aware of the risks of facial recognition technology. Remember that you have the right to cover your face and avoid being recognised by cameras. If you see a facial recognition van at a protest, make sure to alert others and contact Big Brother Watch. Take note of the location of the van, how many officers are present, and where the signs are placed. Keep in mind that being flagged by the technology may result in police approaching you and asking for identification, even if you are not wanted for a criminal offence. If you are identified and stopped due to facial recognition, it is important to contact Big Brother Watch as soon as possible for legal and/or media support. Stay safe and informed while exercising your right to protest.

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