Europe’s top court has rejected the validity of the EU-US Privacy Shield, set up in 2016 to protect Europeans personal data when it is transferred across the Atlantic for commercial use.
Read the CJEU Press Release - The Court of Justice invalidates Decision 2016/1250 on the adequacy of the protection provided by the EU-US Data Protection Shield.
Additional commentary and responses can be read in:
16th July:
- European Commission opening remarks at the press conference following the judgment.
- IAPP reports on the 'Schrems II' decision: EU-US data transfers in question.
- Reuters reports privacy campaigner Max Schrems welcomes the decision.
- The Guardian, which claims tech firms like Facebook may be required to restrict data sent from EU to US.
- 11KBW Panopticon Blog declares Privacy Shield dead and provides a precise summary of the conclusion to this much-anticipated case.
- The Guardian publishes a full timeline of the key events in the nine-year campaign.
- EDRi - European Digital Rights organisation EDRi hails the decision a victory for us all.
- Privacy & Information Security Law Blog comments on how the outcome was unexpected.
- IAPP Schrems II backs the European legal regime into a corner. How can it get out?
- IAPP confirm while CJEU invalidates EU-US Privacy Shield; SCCs remain valid.
- IAPP has published a new Privacy Shield INVALID Infographic.
- Reuters reports that Facebook is to study the court ruling on data transfers.
- Open Rights Group asks what about the UK?
- ICO has also issued a statement on Schrems II case.
17th July:
- EDPB statement.
- EDPS statement.
- CNIL statement.
- EDPB adopts statement on the CJEU's ruling in Facebook Ireland v Schrems.
- IAPP President Omar Tene declares how the show must go on.
- 11KBW Panopticon Blog discusses more unhappy thoughts on Schrems II.
- IAPP Privacy Advisor blog asks what Privacy Shield organisations should do now.
- IAPP reaction between Max Schrems and Hogan Lovells Partner Eduardo Ustaran following CJEU's ruling on Privacy Shield, SCCs.
- TechCrunch looks at how legal clouds are gathering over US cloud IT services.
- Reuters reveals Mike Pompeo said to be 'deeply disappointed' with Privacy Shield invalidation.
- WIRED predicts how the end of Privacy Shield spells trouble for Brexit Britain.
20th July:
- NOYB watch Max Shcrems discuss the next steps for EU companies following CJEU ruling.
- IAPP launch DPA and government guidance page on Schrems II.
- IAPP more reaction as Irish DPC Helen Dixon and DLA Piper Partner Andy Serwin dissect CJEU ruling.
- IAPP publishes article on what 'Schrems II' means for controller-to-processor SCCs.
- IAPP asks what does 'Schrems II' mean for EU-UK data flows?
21st July:
- IAPP asks what the Schrems II decision means for the UK securing an adequacy finding?
22nd July:
- IAPP asks whether the EU will become an information island?
- IAPP discusses the impact of Schrems II on controller-to-controller SCCs
- IAPP outline action steps US multinationals should take over the transfer of HR data.
23rd July:
- EDPB urges SAs and holders of BCRs to act ahead of the end of the transition period to ensure the BCRs can still be used as a transfer tool.
- 11KBW Panopticon Blog highlights the need for organisations relying on BCRs using the ICO in the UK to act now and select an EU supervisory authority.
- IAPP post on how DPAs advise approaching SCCs.
- IAPP post on BCRs as a robust alternative to Privacy Shield and SCCs.

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